Lessons from my second year as a Clinical Aromatherapist

It sounds cliche, but the year has flown by and now my business is two years old!

Being the kind of person who forever needs reminding to slow down and be present, I took some time to sit with a cup of coffee, my current favourite aromatherapy blend (cypress, cedarwood and juniper berry) and reflected on some things I’ve learnt this past year.  

1.         Find your business buddies

I literally do not know what I’d do without my business buddies!  Like best friends but in business (and actually in real life now too), my fellow therapists have been a never ending well of advice, support and knowledge.  From being product testing guinea pigs to listening to rambling voice notes, these special people have been incredibly generous with sharing their time and expertise.  Finding and surrounding yourself with others who truly get what it’s like to work in your industry is invaluable.  Sending out a big thank you to my business besties – I’m so grateful for you!

2 .        Get income protection

This may be an obvious one for other self-employed folk, but as I only currently see clients 2.5 days a week, income protection has never been at the forefront of my mind.  Until I shut my left hand in my car door and fractured a finger!  Luckily this happened during a quiet week and my clients that were booked in were very understanding, however this not only caused financial stress, but an awareness that without my hands and my physical mobility, by business cannot function.  With that in mind – I urge you to look into income protection if you’re self-employed and even more importantly, to take care of your body.  Which leads me on to my next personal lesson...


3.       Take exquisite care of your body

Leading on from above, I have always led a fairly active life and naturally feel strong in my body.  Dare I say invincible.  However there have been times where I’ve not set my massage couch to the correct height and have gone on to give a 90min treatment which resulted in a bad back (for me – not the client!).  Not good.  Likewise, if I’m rushing to set up the treatment room, I sometimes skip my wrist and forearm stretches which can result in aching wrists at the end of the day.  You simply cannot give your all and take care of others, whether that be family members or clients in my case, if you do not take the time for your own wellbeing first.  So, as a gentle reminder to us all – please take exquisite care of yourself.


4.       Navigating feedback

I’ve saved the best for last.  One of my biggest growth lessons recently has been around navigating feedback.  Last year I invited a few guests to try out a new treatment offering of mine to collect some feedback.  And one of these clients was honest enough to give me constructive comments.  At the time it felt uncomfortable BUT the feedback left was incredibly valuable in helping me to better communicate and deliver my treatments.  Although it’s not easy and I still work from a person-centered approach, sometimes you need to remove yourself from your business when navigating feedback.


Thank you to all of you who have booked treatments, joined workshops, purchased vouchers and supported me over the few last years.  It means the world!


Let me know if any of this resonates with you by getting on touch over on Instagram.


With love,

Kit x


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